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, A. Gomez, J. Praena Rodríguez
J.J. Gomez-Camacho,
"Facilities and Possibilities at CNA", "First Barcelona Techno Week: Course on semiconductor detectors", None-None, 2016
F. Arias De Saavedra Alías, J.I. Porras Sánchez
J. Praena Rodríguez,
"Production of isotopes for PET using linear accelerators", "Nuclear Data Conference 2016", None-None, 2016
J.I. Porras Sánchez, J. Praena Rodríguez, F. Arias De Saavedra Alías, M. Pedrosa-Rivera
P.L. Esquinas,
"Monte Carlo Simulation of Accelerator-Based Epithermal Neutron Beams for Neutron Capture Therapy", "5th International Meeting of Union for Compact Accelerator - Driven Neutron Sources", None-None, 2015
M.D.L.C. Boscá Díaz-Pintado
"Fenómenos cuánticos: entrelazados e irreales", "Aspectos físicos y matemáticos de la Naturaleza y de la sociedad", None-None, 2015
M.D.L.C. Boscá Díaz-Pintado
"Notes on the magazine Ibérica and the Popularization of Quantum Physics in Spain (II: 1925-1936).", "Fourth Conference on the History of Quantum Physics", None-None, 2015
P. Jiménez - Bonilla, J. Praena Rodríguez
J.M. Quesada-Molina,
"Maxwellian Neutron Spectrum generation and Stellar Cross-Section measurements: measurement of the 197Au(n,¿) MACS.", "Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics VII", None-None, 2015
M. Pedrosa-Rivera, J.I. Porras Sánchez
J. Praena Rodríguez,
"Weighted kerma factors and the application of the LQ model for the estimation of the biological dose in BNCT", "8th Young Researchers Boron Neutron Capture Therapy International Meeting", None-None, 2015
F. Arias De Saavedra Alías
"Fermi HyperNetted Chain techniques for finite nuclei", "Struttura Nucleari e Reazioni", None-None, 2015
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024